
In recent times, Bandhan Bank has come under scrutiny as it embarks on a strategic review of its loan portfolio. This review follows the revelation that loans amounting to Rs 23,300 crore are undergoing evergreening review , causing a 7% dip in the bank’s stock value. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of this strategic review and its potential implications for Bandhan Bank and the broader financial landscape.

Delving into the Evergreening Review

What is Evergreening?

Evergreening is a common practice in the banking sector where lenders extend new loans to borrowers to help them repay existing debts. While seemingly beneficial in the short term, evergreening can mask underlying financial stress.

Bandhan Bank’s Evergreening Review

The decision by Bandhan Bank to undertake an evergreening review underscores the importance of maintaining transparency and sound risk management practices. By critically evaluating its loan portfolio, the bank aims to identify and address potential vulnerabilities, thereby enhancing its long-term sustainability and resilience.

Assessing the Impacts

Market Reaction

The revelation of evergreening review has triggered a 7% decline in Bandhan Bank stock value. Which reflecting investor concerns over the bank’s asset quality and risk management practices. This market reaction underscores the significance of effective communication and proactive risk mitigation strategies in maintaining stakeholder confidence.

Regulatory Scrutiny

The evergreening review may also attract regulatory scrutiny, as regulators closely monitor banks’ lending practices and risk exposure. Bandhan Bank must navigate regulatory requirements effectively to ensure compliance and uphold its reputation as a responsible financial institution.

Strategic Responses

Enhancing Risk Management Frameworks

In response to the evergreening review, Bandhan Bank must strengthen its risk management frameworks to mitigate future risks effectively. This may involve implementing robust credit assessment processes, enhancing monitoring mechanisms, and fostering a culture of risk awareness and accountability.

Prioritizing Transparency and Governance

Transparency and governance are critical pillars of sustainable banking practices. Bandhan Bank should prioritize transparency in its communication with stakeholders, providing timely updates on the progress of the evergreening review and demonstrating a commitment to ethical conduct and regulatory compliance.


As Bandhan Bank has come under scrutiny as it embarks on a strategic review of its loan portfolio. Must remain steadfast in its commitment to transparency, accountability, and sound risk management practices. By addressing vulnerabilities proactively and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The bank can emerge stronger and more resilient.