
General Election 2024

Stay tuned for real-time updates on the General Election 2024 in India! Follow along as we provide live coverage, analysis,…

6 months ago

BJP का घोषणापत्र: UCC लागू, गरीबों को पांच साल तक मुफ्त राशन, जानें बड़े एलान

BJP का घोषणापत्र आम जनता के लिए बड़ी खुशखबरी लाया है। इसमें कई महत्वपूर्ण योजनाओं के बारे में बात की…

6 months ago

Truong My Lan: Understanding the Vietnam Fraud Case and Its Implications

Truong My Lan: The Vietnam Fraud Case In recent headlines, the name Truong My Lan has become synonymous with a…

6 months ago

The Villain of the Kargil War: Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan, is widely regarded as the mastermind behind the Kargil War, one of the…

2 years ago

By a 4:1 majority Vote, The Supreme Court upholds the 2016 demonetization ruling

Supreme Court upholds the demonetization: On Monday, the Supreme Court's five-member Constitutional Bench upheld the Modi government's decision to abolish…

2 years ago

Rajnath Singh statement on China in Parliament: Status quo maintained, none of our soldiers killed or seriously hurt

Addressing the Rajya Sabha on Thursday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh statement on china said: India and China have agreed to…

2 years ago

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