Integrated solution suite

Investing in options is probably the toughest business where you can make quick money. Yes, it appears simple, but less than 1% of options traders actually end up winning over the long term. This is due to the fact that most option traders treat their transactions like buying a lottery ticket. 

We teach many option traders through the Varsity Options module, but we are aware that there is still more work to be done to persuade them to switch from trading Call/Put naked options to trading strategies with significantly higher winning odds.

Integrated Solution Suite is multi screen software, offers everything from beginner-friendly simplified options trading to advanced trading features for professionals. It wants to make trading in options secure, simple to use, and most importantly profitable for everyone. There are more than 50 strategies available in this software which one can use while trading. Subscribe

Features of integrated solution suite

This software also helps the trader in their view about the market. For instance, if the market is showing an uptrend, based on that they will come to know about the resistance point. Similarly, if there is a downtrend it will show the support point which makes things a bit easier for the trader. 


It is one of the trustworthy software for the traders as this connects them directly to their broker where you will be able to place the orders as per the options available with the broker. Such as stop loss order, limit order, market order. Also, there are various tools available which give clear signals whether to short or long. You can also set the limit position if the limit is touched, it will automatically be executed. 


It is one of the trustworthy software for the traders as this connects them directly to their broker where you will be able to place the orders as per the options available with the broker. Such as stop loss order, limit order, market order. Also, there are various tools available which give clear signals whether to short or long. You can also set the limit position if the limit is touched, it will automatically be executed. 

There are more than 50 strategies available like option chain, multiple strikes of different expiry all free.  Single Click Strategies Execution- Use a single click to carry out advanced schemes like spreads, butterflies, condors, and more. Positions with Real-time Greeks and Strategy Tracking- View real-time P&L and Greeks while organising your positions into strategy.

Enhanced Option Chain- It provides you with an instant view of the whole OI buildup picture and is simple to use. It has real-time Greeks, integrated events warning, IV Percentile, PCR, and other features.

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Secure integration